About Me

Who am I? Good question. I've been trying to figure that out for as long as I've been alive!
A wife to an ever patient, God-fearing man and a mother of 3 loving children whom I do not deserve.  I attempt to manage the home, homeschool and generally fail every day.  I have big dreams and a tiny budget. I'm a great planner but not a completer. My desk is messy and my brain is full.  I'm a collector of "things" and I am a terrible procrastinator.  In short, I am a mess! Each day as I try and fail, try and fail, I cling to my Saviour, Jesus Christ, my Comforter, my Sustainer, my Provider, my Hope and each day He is there guiding me, teaching me, loving me out of  dependence on my self and into a dependence on Him. I am the hungry hearted believer.  Ever seeking answers to my questions about my walk with Him, why things happen the way they do, and what my life on this earth is all about.
Join me as I break open this hungry heart and examine who I REALLY am.  I want to be real about my struggles and write about what is really going on with me. My fears and challenges I face while raising kids, caring for my husband and learning to love others.
Thanks for peering into my little world, Huge with God's Love!
Kelley Jo
live positionally, positively, possessively, triumphantly